Blue Community News and Invitations August 2020

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This summer, our CSJ Blue Community project has been active in supporting the People's Water Campaign -- an effort to connect and strengthen various water justice causes in Ontario.

There have been several online conversations already on some of the key issues: plastics, privatization, and the pending sale of Nestlé operations in Canada to Ice River Springs. These events help us all understand the related impacts of water politics and guide our plans for a more just and beautiful future. 

New Posts Available

Our project Coordinator Paul Baines has prepared 3 new blog posts on the Blue Community website for you to read and share. Each post includes a video recording of the webinar and follow up actions.

Part 1: Plastics and Pollution   

Part 2: All Eyes on Nestlé

Part 2: Water Privatization

There will be more events coming for the People's Water Campaign this September, including one by Paul Baines about the purpose and power of various water justice declarations and commitments. 

Some Good (Blue Community) News

Celebrating Ten Years of the Human Right to Water -- by Vi Bui

July 28, 2020 marks a significant milestone in the fight to protect water. Ten years ago, the United Nations General Assembly recognized water and sanitation as fundamental human rights. Canada joined this international consensus in 2012, however, successive federal governments have failed to provide a framework or legislation to implement or enforce these rights. COVID-19 has made it even clearer that universal access to safe, clean water and adequate sanitation must be a reality to all. 

You can click the link above to read the full story. 

We’re on Facebook!

Did you know that our Blue Community project now has a Facebook page? On it, you will find related news items and recent project updates. You can join and invite others to join here:

Upcoming Events & Gatherings

In-person events will likely not happen this fall so the CSJ Blue Community Steering Committee is helping Paul plan at least one online gathering. Here, you will be able to ask questions, connect to the growing water justice movement, and dedicate the upcoming Season of Creation to the life of water. 

Stay tuned…

You can always connect with Paul Baines directly:
