Does living the Christian call of Baptism with others energize and challenge you?
The three congregations within the Canadian Federation are continuing this mission of the unifying love of God. We invite you to fullness of life through union within yourselves, with each other, with God and the whole of creation.
In 1650 six ordinary women came together to serve their neighbour. Living together, they nourished their lives with regular prayer and sharing of their experiences of God’s love and compassion to persons in need.
Do you feel this same desire to live this way in our world today? Contact a Vocation Director in one of our Canadian Congregations and explore your opportunities with us.
This series of Vocational Vignette videos - created by the Federation Vocation-Animation Committee - describes important aspects of religious life as well as offers testimonials from several sisters.
The Sisters of St. Joseph
through the unifying love of Christ
are animated by a life of prayer,
live with simplicity and compassion,
nurture community,
care for God’s creation,
minister with active, inclusive love,
bring healing and hope.
Could this be you?
For further information please contact:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
Julie Cachia (Vocation Animator):;
Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste Marie
Sister Mary Jo Radey:;
Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada:
Sister Mary Rowell:;
STEPS FOR DISCERNMENT - Rise Up Conference 2020
Listen to your heart
Pray for guidance
Be open to God’s will
Know your values
Name your fears
Know your gifts and talents
Be aware of your desires
Pay attention to your past experiences
Talk to others who know you
Gather information
List disadvantages
List advantages
Are you free in the decision
Do you experience peace?
How does it feel in your gut?
Look for confirmation that supports your decision.