Our Blue Communities Pledge
In 2017, our three Sisters of St. Joseph (CSJ) congregations and the Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada became the first Religious Institutes to become Blue Communities.
The Blue Communities Project was initiated by The Council of Canadians in 2009 to promote the idea of a water commons framework, recognizing that water is a shared resource for all. Today, world-wide, dozens of municipalities, schools, and institutions have taken the Blue Community Pledge which strives to:
End the unnecessary use of bottled water, recognizing that earth’s waters are not a commodity to be sold;
Ensure clean drinking water and sanitation are available to all, as a human right; and,
Promote publicly funded, owned and operated water and wastewater services.
Guided by a Blue Community Steering Committee comprised of Sisters and Associates, our pledge reflects the CSJ charism of unity and reconciliation expressed through our commitment to protect water as a human right, shared commons, and sacred gift. Through reflection, education, advocacy, and service our Blue Community commitment centers on a respectful relation to all the waters circulating our common global home and to the Indigenous peoples who have protected them since time (in) immemorial.
You can access CSJ Blue Community resources – such as our One River-Two Futures poster, learning/action guides, and informative articles – at the Blue Community Resources Page.
Contact us at info@csjfederation.ca