Want to Widen our World?


To listen, to hear the other’s story, to let that story enter into us, to take possession of us, will widen our world, will change us. After listening and receiving the other with our eyes, with our ears... entering into their reality... we will never be the same again. Are we willing to risk that? Pope Francis tells us: 

“The encounter with the other is also an encounter with Christ. He himself told us: it is he who knocks on our door, hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, imprisoned, seeking an encounter with us and requesting our assistance. And if we still had any doubt, here are his unequivocal words: ‘I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Mt 25:40)

Listen to the story of one refugee.      
Listen to the story of one migrant worker.
Listen to the story of one unwed mother.
Listen to the story of one black mother.

And who else do we need to listen to this day?

Reflection by Sr. Rosemary Fry, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto