A Reflection for this Week, May 3 - June 7 by Sr. Mary Jo Radey, Sault Ste. Marie


All CSJ’s and the friends of CSJ’s are called to celebrate, for we are in the midst of “our week”!  Two of the deepest aspects of our Spirituality in the Little Design of Jean Pierre Medaille are celebrated on the Church calendar, beginning with Holy Trinity Sunday and concluding with Corpus Christi Sunday. 

Father Medaille held that the two Trinities of Father/Son/Spirit and Jesus/Mary/Joseph were a call for us to be mindful of the relational quality of our call and in our prayer. 

Our consecration to the Blessed Trinity and to the Holy Family deepens our sensitivity to the dear neighbour in the living out of our charism of unity.  We strive to live out the core values of our spirituality by

~seeking a profound desire to respond to all that the Creator wishes to accomplish in and through us during our lifetime

~a heartfelt recognition of the self-emptying love of the Son in becoming one with us and a desire to learn from his profound humility

~a longing to be filled with the power of the Spirit and so become for the sake of others, the congregation of God’s great love

~to learn from Mary’s faith and her ability to recognize the prompts of the Holy Spirit, always to say “Yes” to God

~to share in the burning zeal of Jesus for the glory of God and the service of the dear neighbour

~to see in Joseph an example of loving care and gracious concern that he showed toward Jesus and Mary. He is our guide in practicing charity and hospitality towards the dear neighbour.

The image of the Eucharist is a central mystery of faith for Medaille in his Little Design, especially as he offered The Eucharistic Letter to his founding group.  The call to see the Divine in the most simple, daily and ordinary of parts of our life is to understand the gift of God in the bread that we eat in the Eucharist.  The reminder of how we are nourished by God, how union is possible for all people with God and with our dear neighbour is found in the hiddenness of the Incarnate God in the Bread and the Wine.

This week where we are reminded of these mystical elements of who and what we are as Sisters of St. Joseph is powerful in the midst of these times. As Pope Francis encourages a “culture of encounter”, he is speaking our language as CSJ’s!  Let us use this time to bring our passion and heart to a world that is hurting so much!!