From the Archives

During this 170th anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, we celebrate some significant ministry dates.

February 18, 2009: The official opening of Fontbonne Ministries’ Village Mosaic, offering seniors in South Etobicoke hospitality and community building. A place to make connections, establish new relationships and share interests, with meaningful experiences to activate mind, body and spirit.

This purpose exhibits the spirituality of the Sisters of St. Joseph. The Toronto Sisters express is as: “We are brought together by the love of Christ. We are called by God, the Gospel and the Church to serve those in need in simplicity and compassion and to pursue social justice and equality for all. We are committed to nurture community with those who are homeless, alienated or poor, women at risk and our wounded earth. We continue our long tradition of meeting unmet needs with life-giving ministries.

For more information about their ministries visit: Sisters of St. Joseph - Congregational (