Pilgrimage - Living Beauty

Every two years, the Federation Vocation Animation Committee works in conjunction with Fontbonne Ministries Faith Connections to host an event for a pilgrimage with young adults, ages 18 to 30.

As we began planning this event a year ago, the idea was to hold the pilgrimage at Villa St. Joseph, a spirituality and ecology centre of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada.  Due to Covid however, it was decided to hold the event virtually.  This year’s theme was “Living Beauty”, a perfect theme as we were going to very shortly be entering the Season of Creation.  We spent time in prayer, contemplation, sharing and hearing about Living Beauty.

Sister Mary Rowell was our first speaker as we journeyed through Catholic Social Teaching.  She reminded us that we are called to live an all encompassing ethic of life.  It is important that we encompass integral ecology as we remember that we are to value the dignity of all life and provide support to each and every person as well as all of Creation.

We then had some time for contemplating creation we remembered the words of St. Ignatius “Reflect how God dwells in creatures: in elements given them existence, in the plants given them life, in the animals conferring upon them sensation, in human beings bestowing understanding.”

Following our quiet time we heard Sabrina Chiefari speak on “The Space Between Two – Francis-es: 2020”.  Sabrina reminded us that we are called to remember that faith and person need to come together as we hope to live out of a hope narrative.  She also called us to remember that the Creator appears in his creations.

We are hopeful that next year we can gather in person at Villa St. Joseph and share the experience of Living Beauty surrounded by the beautiful grounds.  Click on the link below to learn more about this beautiful centre and about Faith Connections.

We leave you with a beautiful reflection – The Tree by Sr. Mary Alban Bouchard, CSJ

Once upon a time there was a seed. The seed was planted in a little space in the earth and the soil surrounded it. And the seed waited. It felt the rain and the sun’s warmth. Then, according to the form and life within it, the seed began to unfold and grow. One day, like an answer to a call, it came out above the ground and appeared in the daylight as if to say, “Here I am!” It grew and grew, constantly nourished by the rain and the nutrients in the soil.  And it became a tree. It branched out and put out leaves and buds. The buds flowered and were pollinated and with time the tree bore fruit. People came and ate the fruit, which made them healthy. In the centre of the fruit they found a new seed of life. The tree was a sheltering tree as well. Birds came and nested. Among them was the dove that rested there.

And God looked at the tree and said:: “This is a good tree, the tree of my choice.” And the tree became a parable of the Reign of God on earth.

And you are the tree.


Faith Connections: https://fontbonneministries.ca/faith-connections/

Villa St. Joseph: https://www.villastjoseph.ca/