Our Structure

All Sisters are members of the Federation. Organizational Structure includes a Board consisting of the leadership teams of each congregation, an executive, committees, offices and personnel.

Archives Committee

(Back row) Linda Wicks, Sr. Mae Kierans, Theresa Murphy, (front row) Sr. Grace Sauve, Sr. Doreen Kaminiski, Joe Keast, (missing: Mary Kosta).

 Associates/Companion Leaders Committee

(Back row) Ruth Godon, Mary Huan, Diane Duncan, Sue Hamilton, Sr. Nancy Sullivan, Sr. Joyce Murray, Claudette McFarling, Sr. Sheila Fortune, (second row) Grace McGuire, Valerie Contois, Maureen Vanderwouden, Donna Gagnon, Jane Chaput, (front row) Sr. Bonnie Chesser, Nickie Levesque, Carol Lombard, Joyce Young.

Blue Community

Paul Baines, Project Coordinator.

Board Members


Toronto Congregation

Sault Ste Marie Congregation

Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada: photo pending

Ecology Committee

(From left to right) Sr. Mary Rowell, Sr. Janet Speth, Sr. Kathy O’Keefe, Sr. Mary Mettler, Sr. Linda Gregg, Sr. Rita Godon, Sr. Nancy Wales, Sr. Priscilla Solomon.

Executive Members

Sr. Mary Anne McCarthy (President), Sr. Mary Jo Radey, Sr. Sheila Fortune, Sr. Mary Mettler (Member at Large)

Executive Director

Carole Umana

Office for Systemic Justice

Sr. Sue Wilson and Sr. Joan Atkinson

Vocation Animation Committee

(From left to right) Sr. Christine Carbotte, Sr. Mary Rowell, Sr. Loretta Manzara, Sr. Mecthilde O'Mara, Sr. Rosemary Fry, Sr. Mary Jo Radey, Sr. Costanza Romano