At the core, systemic justice is about transformation.

The Federation Office for Systemic Justice integrates contemplation and justice-making, working with connections between the change needed in the world and the change needed in ourselves.  

We focus on the relationship between structures -- inner structures (worldviews, assumptions, values) and outer structures (policy, legislation, institutions). 

We seek to be allies with groups marginalized by all unjust structures. 

The work of this Office is successful because of the initiatives of Sue Wilson, CSJ and Joan Atkinson, CSJ.

We ask:

  • What roles do legislation, policy, and investment play in creating barriers to social and economic inclusion; in creating environmental damage?

  • What role is played by the current economic model?

  • What assumptions are operating in these structures?  

  • How are different social groups affected by these structures?  

  • Where are the leverage points for creating change?

Newsletters, recommendations to the government, and action suggestions are posted in our resources section.